Our Program
We are often asked, “what does it mean to be College Ready?” According to ACT defined
Readiness Standards, when students attain readiness benchmarks, they have at least a 50%
chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in first-year
Math, Science, English, and Reading related college courses. In other words, students attaining
college readiness benchmarks have a greater chance of success (as a college freshman) than
those that do not.
Parents are often dismayed when their student's ACT scores don't reflect his or her GPA. Despite
their best efforts, they can't seem to attain readiness benchmarks. We hear it all too often, "I
don't understand; he or she has a 4.00 GPA and does very well in school. What's going on?"
It is for this very reason that ACT Qualified exists. Through intensive instruction, we provide
middle and high school students, of all academic levels, personalized educational services that
remediate and prepare them for the ACT exam and college-level coursework.
Understanding the unique needs of our community, we seek to rewrite the narrative by helping
our students exceed college readiness benchmarks. Because our approach is rooted in
foundational mastery, we intensely prepare our students by attacking foundational deficiencies.
In doing so, we believe, our students are much better prepared for first-year college instruction
than their peers of similar academic backgrounds.
Our students receive 6 weeks of comprehensive, personalized instruction, which extends beyond
the classroom, from an ACT Certified Educator. Classes are small (10 to 1 student-teacher ratio)
and personalized according to students' assessment results. Students depart our results-oriented
program confident and prepared to take the ACT.
We've been blessed to sow into the lives of many Greater New Orleans students. We take pride
in our diverse student population, and we believe that it’s a testament to our instructors’ ability
to reach students from all social-economic backgrounds. We teach with compassion, and it’s
evident in our reviews. We proudly boast a 5 stars Google Rating. (Our Reviews)
We have tutored students from the following schools:
Northlake Christian Academy
St. Augustine High School
Benjamin Franklin High School
Edna Karr High School
St. Katherine Drexel Prep
New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy
Helen Cox High School
International High School of New Orleans
Arden Cahill Academy
Belle Chasse Academy
Landry-Walker High School
McDonough 35 High School
Lusher Charter High School
John Curtis Christian School
Slidell High School
Mount Carmel Academy
Northlake Christian Academy
St Cletus School
St. Mary's Dominican High School
Landry-Walker Career and College Prep
Chalmette High School
Warren Easton High School
Ridgewood Preparatory School
De La Salle High School
Abramson Sci Academy
Louise S. McGehee
Salmen High School
Ursuline Academy
Archbishop Rummel
N.O. Math & Science High School
St. Mary's Academy
Riverdale High School
Archbishop Shaw
Destrehan High School
Terrebonne High School
Riverdale High School
East St. John High
University View
Frederick Douglass High School
New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy
We offer the following services:
6-week/12 Sessions ACT Prep Course
Study Skills Course
English Grammar Workshop
Subject-Specific Bootcamps (Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry)
Reading Remediation
College Readiness Services
TI84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator Course
We invite you to see what makes us different. Learn More